Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Catch up time :-)

We decided to get away for a night during spring break. This led us to Indianapolis to an indoor water park and the children's museum. It was great being able to swim even though it was snowing outside. We invited grandma and grandpa Robards to come along and we had a great little getaway!

The next weekend was Easter and we celebrated the Lord's resurrection!! What a wonderful day!!

Natalie has turned 4!! The best thing was getting to ride in a booster seat now!! We celebrated with family and was able to work out a visit with Aunt Esther, Cherith, Calvin and Nora. All the kids had fun and the day was great!!


Amanda said...

Oh! I wish Nathan and Haleigh could have been part of that last pic!

Critter said...

me too:-( oh well just couldn't be some other time.

Ashley said...

I love the indiana children's museum - I still enjoy it to this day!