Monday, September 1, 2008

Back to School

Courtney and Alex are back to school!! It's hard to believe that school has started. They were both very excited to start the school year. Courtney has started 4th grade and Alex is in Kindergarten this year. It has been nice to have a schedule back into our routine. They both have done very well the first week! It's such a blessing to have kids (at least for now) get excited about the start of school. I'm sure this won't always be the case so for now I'm thankful for the wonderful attitudes they bring to the first day of school!


Amanda said...

Woot! I used to love back-to-school time! And I love schedules. *wink*

Transition Woman said...

I can't believe how much older she is looking! Its amazing!

Anonymous said...

we had so much fun with you and yours on monday. courtney is getting so grown up...playing with zeke like she knew what she was doing. i can't believe she's 9!