It's been a long that time since the last post the kids have finished school, we sold our house in Stevensville and we bought and moved into Colin's mom and dad's house in Berrien Springs. We've been busy!! I'm so thankful for how much I enjoy living "all the way out here." I have to admit I had my reservations about moving 20 minutes away from church and school and I know that school hasn't started yet, but I'm thoroughly enjoying God's beautiful creation out here. Since we've lived here we have experienced a deer eating in our backyard and a family of turkey's coming along too!! We have taken incredible 10 mile bike rides, that Courtney and Alex have rode the whole way, and now that Tom and Joyce live on the river we have been able to canoe which has been beautiful. The kids have absolutely loved seeing these things and are so happy out here. As for the drive.......going to church has not been a big deal at all it's nice to have a little time in the car sometimes. I also know that my attitude depends alot on the drive for school. I'm prepared with a good attitude about the drive to and from school.
God has blessed us tremendously in these last few months and I pray that he continues to bless us in the months to come.
I pray that he blesses each one of you too!!